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Restaurantes sin gluten para celiacos en Badajoz

( Restaurante )
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Avda. Sinforiano Madroñero, 24 - 06011 - Badajoz (Badajoz)
In these pizza restaurants we can find variety of gluten-free pizzas for the customers who ask for it. Important: Lately not all telepizzas offer gluten-free pizzas, so we advise you to talk with the establishment on request to confirm it or get into this list:
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Plaza de la Autonomía Extremeña, s/n - 06011 - Badajoz (Badajoz)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
Restaurante Maccheroni
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Gaspar Méndez, 17 - 06011 - Badajoz (Badajoz)
Italian restaurant where we can find a special carte for celiacs with all kind of dishes, pasta, salads, pizzas, meats and fishes. They guarantee the correct handling and the exemption of gluten. They also have Christmas menu.
924.231.600 - 676.868.237
  1 Comentarios
Alcantara, 43 (paralela Condes de Barcelona - 06011 - Badajoz (Badajoz)
We are a small Italian restaurant specialized in traditional Italian-Spanish gastronomy, mainly in pasta, pizzas and salads; with a personal touch trying to get back old flavors and aroma. We have a wide assortment of suitable dishes for coeliac. Base of the pizza is gluten free and homemade. I also want to highlight that we have gluten-free homemade desserts and we have suitable beers for coeliac.
 La Marmita
( Restaurante )
  6 Comentarios
Jacinta García Hernández, 9 - 06011 - Badajoz (Badajoz)
Restaurant of a traditional cuisine, meats, fishes, seafood and stews in general. The 90% of the dishes which they make can be consumed for celiacs. Gluten-free bread and desserts.
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Avda. Elvás, s/n - 06011 - Badajoz (Badajoz)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
El Almendro, 8 - 06008 - Badajoz (Badajoz)
In these pizza restaurants we can find variety of gluten-free pizzas for the customers who ask for it. Important: Lately not all telepizzas offer gluten-free pizzas, so we advise you to talk with the establishment on request to confirm it or get into this list:
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Avda Gral. Manuel Saavedra Palmeiro, 11 - 06004 - Badajoz (Badajoz)
In these pizza restaurants we can find variety of gluten-free pizzas for the customers who ask for it. Important: Lately not all telepizzas offer gluten-free pizzas, so we advise you to talk with the establishment on request to confirm it or get into this list:
La Casona Alta
( Restaurante )
  1 Comentarios
Plaza Alta, s/n - 06001 - Badajoz (Badajoz)
Tienen pan y cerveza sin gluten. Con respecto a los platos aptos preguntar al personal y ellos le asesoran de lo que pueden consumir.
Bodega San Jose
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Plaza San José, s/n - 06001 - Badajoz (Badajoz)
They have gluten-free bread and beer. Respecting on the suitable dishes, ask before to the staff and they will advise you what you can eat.
Hotel Confortel Badajoz
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Autovía de Madrid a Lisboa, salida 395 - 06002 - Badajoz (Badajoz)
They adapt to the necessities of the customer but it is necessary notifying previously for they can dispose of specific products. Traditional cuisine.
924.266.890 - 902.423.423
 Vips El Faro
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Avenida Elvas, s/n. Local A - 06006 - Badajoz (Badajoz)
Cadena de restaurantes de cocina variada. Sirven algunos platos aptos para celíacos: el sándwich VIPS Club, Salteado de pollo, BBQ Bacon Cheese Burger, desayunos... Elaborados con pan sin gluten.

También disponen de un menú infantil sin gluten y postres sin gluten.
La Casona Baja
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Plaza de la Soledad, s/n - 06001 - Badajoz (Badajoz)
Tienen pan y cerveza sin gluten. Con respecto a los platos aptos preguntar al personal y ellos le asesoran de lo que pueden consumir.
This distinctive identifies restaurants which have an agreement of colaboration with the provincial or national associations of celiacs and they have received training provided by the Association, to which all staff should attend: purchasing manager, chef, chefs, assistants , room managers and waiters
Note: The information we supply is indicative, we try to be as much as possible updated contrasting the data with ultimate responsibility. However, we recommend that before you go to ensure contacting the property directly,because maybe he could have made some changes in its service.
Gluten-free traveling - Gluten-free restaurants - Gluten-free hotels - Gluten-free bars, tapas and cafes
Gluten-free pastry shops - Gluten-free shops - Gluten-free cottages - Gluten-free campings - Gluten-free hostels

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