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If you know an establishment which offers services for celiacs, let us know from here.

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 Mc Donald´s


Ctra. N-320, km 136
16004 - Cuenca (Cuenca)

Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.

This distinctive identifies restaurants which have an agreement of colaboration with the provincial or national associations of celiacs and they have received training provided by the Association, to which all staff should attend: purchasing manager, chef, chefs, assistants , room managers and waiters.
Note: The information we supply is indicative, we try to be as much as possible updated contrasting the data with ultimate responsibility. However, we recommend that before you go to ensure contacting the property directly,because maybe he could have made some changes in its service.

Valoración del establecimiento   

  (22/04/2014) Antonio MMN
Mi experiencia es totalmente opuesta.

El pasado sábado acudimos con un niño celíaco y no tuvimos el menor problema. El servicio es análogo a los MacDonald\'s que conocemos en Madrid.

Tengo que decir que fue una solución rápida para comer en un día de turismo en Cuenca, tras comprobar en un Hotel del centro con acuerdo con la asociación regional de celíacos, que por la afluencia de público no servían menús sin gluten.


  (04/08/2013) zaser5
no vallan porque no saben ni calentar el pan y un día dicen que tienen pan y al otro te dicen que no y al día siguiente te dicen que si . conclusión: no vallan que es el peor mc donalds de España

¿Conoces este establecimiento? Si es así valóralo y cuéntanos tu opinión sobre él.

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Gluten-free traveling - Gluten-free restaurants - Gluten-free hotels - Gluten-free bars, tapas and cafes
Gluten-free pastry shops - Gluten-free shops - Gluten-free cottages - Gluten-free campings - Gluten-free hostels

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