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Casas Rurales sin gluten para celiacos en Barcelona

Masía Jaume Coll
( Restaurante sólo para alojados )
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Ctra. C-26, Km 169 - 08619 - Borredà (Barcelona)
They prepare special menus for coeliacs and vegetarians on request.
935.790.712 - 649.192.190
  0 Comentarios
Ctra. BV-1245 Km.6,1 - 08183 - Granera (Barcelona)
Medieval fortress La Manyosa,from before the XII century. It was rebuilt and ready, kind of Hotel of mountain.
Stays for host different people who need a meeting place, celebrations or night rest.
Restaurant with wooden roast with different medieval dining room. Gastronomic events, celebrations, festivities and events. Or as meeting place of your friends in the nature.
Barbeques, oven and paella pans in the garden with series of arches.

On request, food for coeliac people is offered.
Full board for guests and lunches for the public in general.
Masía Can Felip
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Sant Joan de Sanata - 08450 - Llinars del Vallés (Barcelona)
In the restaurant of this rural cottage located in the foothills of the Montseny they serve people with all types of food intolerances without problem.
  0 Comentarios
Masia El Folló s/n - 08593 - Tagamanent (Barcelona)
In this establishment the coeliac people do not have any problem, so in the kitchen of our restaurant, we have in mind the coeliac, diabetic, Muslims… The food is clean and there is always enough offers of dishes with a base of rice, pulses, vegetables, potato, etc… suitable for any person with intolerance to gluten. They do not add flour to the sauces and there are always some desserts without flours. In the classroom of kitchen we teach to make bread at home, we also can teach to make gluten-free bread, it is necessary to book on request.
938.244.076 - 639.311.104
  1 Comentarios
Tarradellas, 10 - 08695 - Bagà (Barcelona)
In the restaurant they make meals for coeliacs.
Casa Rural El Querol Vell
( Restaurante sólo para alojados )
  0 Comentarios
Manresa, 75 - 08619 - Borredà (Barcelona)
Very careful and personalized cuisine. All types of diets.
Vilar Rural de Cardona
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Camino de Lourdes, s/n - 08261 - Cardona (Barcelona)
They dispose of products for celiacs but it is essential notify when you make the booking.
Casa de Colonies Can Putxet
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Campins, Km 2.3 - 08470 - Sant Celony (Barcelona)
House with activities and sports which has accommodation and retaurant as well. They prepare menus if we notify it.
This distinctive identifies restaurants which have an agreement of colaboration with the provincial or national associations of celiacs and they have received training provided by the Association, to which all staff should attend: purchasing manager, chef, chefs, assistants , room managers and waiters
Note: The information we supply is indicative, we try to be as much as possible updated contrasting the data with ultimate responsibility. However, we recommend that before you go to ensure contacting the property directly,because maybe he could have made some changes in its service.
Gluten-free traveling - Gluten-free restaurants - Gluten-free hotels - Gluten-free bars, tapas and cafes
Gluten-free pastry shops - Gluten-free shops - Gluten-free cottages - Gluten-free campings - Gluten-free hostels

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