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Restaurantes sin gluten para celiacos en Barcelona

Amposta (1)  - Arenys de Mar (1)  - Badalona (6)  - Bagà (3)  - Barberá del Vallés (2)  - Barcelona (125)  - Begues (1)  - Borredà (1)  - Cabrera de Mar (1)  - Calella de Mar (6)  - Canet de Mar (1)  - Cantonigròs (1)  - Cardona (3)  - Castellar de Nuch (1)  - Castellar del Vallés (1)  - Castelldefels (5)  - Cerdanyola del Vallés (1)  - Cornellá de Llobregat (7)  - El Masnou (1)  - El Prat de Llobregat (3)  - Esplugues de Llobregat (2)  - Gavá (3)  - Granera (1)  - Granollers (6)  - Gurb (1)  - Hospitalet de Llobregat (7)  - Igualada (3)  - La Ametlla del Vallés (1)  - Les Cabanyes (1)  - Llinars del Vallés (1)  - Manresa (5)  - Martorell (1)  - Matadepera (1)  - Mataró (9)  - Mollet del Vallés (2)  - Montcada i Reixac (3)  - Montmeló (1)  - Parets del vallés (1)  - Pineda de Mar (1)  - Pineda Del Mar (1)  - Polinya (1)  - Prat de Llobregat (2)  - Ripollet (2)  - Rubí (2)  - Sabadell (11)  - Sant Adriá del Besós (1)  - Sant Andreu de la Barca (1)  - Sant Andreu de Llavaneres (1)  - Sant Boi de Llobregat (1)  - Sant Celony (1)  - Sant Cugat del Vallés (9)  - Sant Fost de Campsentelles (1)  - Sant Joan Despi (2)  - Sant Pol de Mar (1)  - Sant Vicenç dels Horts (1)  - Santa Coloma de Gramenet (2)  - Santa Eulalia de Ronsana (1)  - Santa María de Palautordera (1)  - Santa Susanna (2)  - Seva (1)  - Sitges (13)  - Tagamanent (1)  - Taradell (1)  - Tarrassa (2)  - Terrasa (4)  - Terrassa (10)  - Tordera (1)  - Viladecans (3)  - Viladrau (1)  - Vilafranca del Penedés (1)  - Vilanova i la Geltrú (4)  - Vilassar de Dalt (1)

Páginas:    1   234
 En Ville Restaurante
( Restaurante )
  16 Comentarios
Doctor Dou, 14 - 08001 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
They have different adapted dishes for celiacs. It is advisable calling before. There are also ice-creams. You have to take your bread.
 Los Vikingos
( Restaurante )
  2 Comentarios
Marques Montroig, 7-9 - 08870 - Sitges (Barcelona)
Restaurante con más de 50 años y Situado en la calle más céntrica de Sitges, Los Vikingos es un Local amplio, espacioso y de estilo moderno con muchas prestaciones, tanto por capacidad como por oferta.

Los Vikingos les ofrece una variada y sugestiva carta, como no puede ser de otra forma, basada en la cocina mediterránea, pero con opciones actualizadas al ritmo y demanda de la sociedad actual, sin olvidar pinceladas de cocina internacional, ya que nos encontramos en Sitges, atracción turística mundial. Usted podrá disfrutar desde una cena romántica para dos, degustando buenas carnes o pescados a la brasa, hasta comidas con toda la familia, donde no faltaran las buenas pizzas o la pasta de elaboración artesana, deliciosas y completas hamburguesas con sello propio, pasando por un informal picoteo a base de tapas, de las que disponen en buena cantidad y calidad. Además, en sus diferentes comedores y terrazas encontrará seguramente, el rincón más ideal para cada momento del día o de la noche.
938.110.040 - 687.494.494
Pic Nic
( Restaurante )
  2 Comentarios
Passeig La Rivera, s/n - 08870 - Sitges (Barcelona)
Mediterranean cuisine restaurant. Fish, rice, tapas ... They have dishes that can be consumed by coeliacs.
Out Of China
( Restaurante )
  12 Comentarios
C/ Aribau 112 - 08036 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Traditional chinese food with contemporary flavours. In the menu are indicated the gluten-free dishes that we can eat.
932.213.206 - 607.350.289
Els Pollos de Llull
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Ramon Turró, 13 - 08005 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
There are some gluten-free starters (ask always) and also for celiacs, chickens, chips, salads. you have to take the bread.
 Vulcano Restaurant
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
C/ Mozart, 20 - 08173 - Sant Cugat del Vallés (Barcelona)
Ubicado en una tranquila zona de Sant Cugat, Vulcano ofrece a sus clientes un conjunto de gratas sensaciones, en un entrono excepcional, acompañado de un agradable servicio y con una cocina de primera calidad.
Vulcano ofrece una carta de estilo mediterráneo, con productos de temporada y de primera calidad, distinguida por su originalidad y a su vez por el respeto de los sabores tradicionales.
Ayre Hotel Gran Via
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 322-324 - 08004 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Ayre Hotel Gran Vía wishes make you an easier and more comfortable stay. For that, previous request when you make the booking, it has specially dishes designed for coeliac customers, as well as the breakfast service as in itsrestaurant. Have a quiet trip, ¡enjoy your trip!
934.444.737 - 932.509.216
Vitali Pizza
( Restaurante )
  2 Comentarios
Paris 109 - 08029 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
With some years in the home delivery service of pizzas in Barcelona, you could find the thinnest homemade pizzas in the city. We also have a care selection of fresh products every day and a high quality of ingredients to have a healthy and balanced diet without sacrificing the pleasure of eating one of our pizzas and taste the new flavours that we are creating.
We have a wide selection of gluten-free pizzas.
  0 Comentarios
Pompeu Fabra, s/n - 08230 - Matadepera (Barcelona)
It is situated in the Glof Club of Matadepera, inside of a farmhouse of XV century, it offers a cuisine based on the ecologic and proximity product, with a totally adapted menu for celiacs and with special options for people with other food intolerances. It has 3 private rooms for 60, 30 and 25 people, as well as a wide terrace and a chill-out area.
Cal Mingo
( Restaurante )
  1 Comentarios
Ctra. Barcelona 245, s/n - 08840 - Viladecans (Barcelona)
Int the restaurant Cal Mingo they have and use fresh seasonal products. One of his commitments is to prepare the dishes using products of Baix Llobregat Agricultural Park.
Ayre Hotel Rosellón
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Rosellón 390 - 08025 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Ayre Hotel Rosellón wishes make you an easier and more comfortable stay. For that, previous request when you make the booking, it has specially dishes designed for coeliac customers, as well as the breakfast service as in its bar-cafe. Have a quiet trip, enjoy your trip!
El Peix Grillat
( Restaurante )
  3 Comentarios
Calle Indústria, 56 - 08370 - Calella de Mar (Barcelona)
El Peix Grillat es un restaurante de pescado y marisco especializado en paellas, fideuas, y especies marinas de proximidad.

Somos una família de celíacos y pescadores artesanales promoviendo la cocina sin gluten y la pesca sostenible.

En nuestra cocina reinan cuatro barbacoas donde preparamos todos nuestros platos.

Toda nuestra carta es apta para celíacos (incluida la fideuá) y disponemos de pan, postres caseros, y cerveza sin gluten.

Asímismo, tampoco nos olvidamos de nuestros amigos vegetarianos y veganos, así que también vosotros podréis disfrutar de nuestra cocina.

Esperamos vuestra visita, haremos todo lo posible para que sea una buena experiencia.
937.435.066 - 937.466.170
Can Mauri Restaurant
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Carretera de Granollers, km.1,5 - 08213 - Polinya (Barcelona)
Adapt dishes of the carte and the menu for coeliacs, but it is advisable phoning in advance to have, for example, gluten-free bread.
 Cal Marius 449 Pastrani
( Restaurante )
  4 Comentarios
Carrer de Mallorca, 449 - 08013 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Cal Marius es una gastrotaberna de barrio ideal para todos aquellos celíacos, intolerantes y alérgicos alimentarios que quieran tapear. Situado cerca de la Sagrada Familia, Cal Marius 449 es conocido por hacer el mejor bocadillo de Pastrami de Barcelona.

El 99% de la carta es Sin Gluten. Disponen de 22 clases de cerveza sin gluten, 56 tapas y más de 30 sandwiches. Todo sin gluten.

Disponen del Certificado de la Asociación de Celiacos de Cataluña. Son reconocidos por la Asociación de Celiacos de España. Y están formados por ALLERGYCHEF.
 M2 Restaurante Gluten Free
( Restaurante )
  6 Comentarios
Avenida Diagonal 505 - 08029 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Restaurant located in les Corts, which offers a 100% Gluten Free offer with a very varied menu (pasta, meat, fish, salads, natural juices, pizzas ...).

- Menus of the day from Monday to Friday for those who are in a hurry but eat healthy
- Delivery, healthy and gluten-free food at home
- Offer breakfast and brunch every day!
- Children's menu for the youngest
- Private events!
 Restaurant Gut
( Restaurante )
  3 Comentarios
Perill 13 - 08012 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Mediterranean, international and vegetarian cuisine suitable for coeliac people. As well as its homemade cakes and beers.
Messie Sin Gluten
( Restaurante )
  4 Comentarios
Carrer Siracusa, 15, Barrio de Grácia - 08012 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Ofrecemos todas las garantías para que puedas disfrutar de las mejores pizzas, pastas, ensaladas y pasteles artesanales sin preocuparse de los ingredientes ni de la manipulación porque nuestra cocina es 100% sin gluten y libre de contaminación cruzada.
Hacemos lo que sabemos hacer y lo hacemos porque disfrutamos.
  0 Comentarios
Gran Vía 144 - 08907 - Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)
The Restaurant Bouquet offers two extraordinary experiences: for those who wish a quick meal will find many delicious options in the informal environment of bistro.
In other hand, the restaurant offers a more traditional environment with a selected and healthy menu, with fresh products, directs of the market and good made.
For coeliac people they have 9 adapted starters and 9 main dishes from the carte.
Laida Restaurant
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
C/Sabateria 4 - 08241 - Manresa (Barcelona)
Restaurante situado en el casco antiguo de Manresa. Utiliza productos locales, de temporada y ecológicos. Todos los platos de la carta no contienen gluten, a excepción de algún postre.

Si tienes alguna alergia o intolerancia, consulta a su personal.
Ayre Hotel Caspe
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Caspe 103 - 08013 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Ayre Hotel Ramiro I wishes make you an easier and more comfortable stay. For that, previous request when you make the booking, it has specially dishes designed for coeliac customers, as well as the breakfast service as in its bar-cafe. Have a quiet trip, enjoy your trip!
938.736.362 - 666.487.313
American Food Factory
( Restaurante )
  1 Comentarios
C/ Circumval.lació, 15 - 08240 - Manresa (Barcelona)
Somos un restaurante especializado en comida Tex-Mex (americana), pero con toques mediterráneos propios. Se trata de una unión especial, que da a nuestras creaciones unos sabores realmente inconfundibles y únicos.

Variedad de platos SIN GLUTEN:
Hamburguesas, Nuggets caseros, Pizzas, Hot Dogs, Nachos...
Y también tenemos cerveza.
 La Sandwitxeria
( Restaurante )
  5 Comentarios
Doctor Puig 4 - 08202 - Sabadell (Barcelona)
Local situado en el centro de Sabadell, pastas, pizzas, hamburguesas, sandwiches, ensaladas, postres.
La Capital
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Rambla de Josep Anselm Clavé, 7 - 08940 - Cornellá de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Excelente hamburguesería. Adaptan las hamburguesas de la carta con pan sin gluten, además también disponen de tapas y ensaladas sin gluten..Opcones vegetarianas
By Jarita
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Carrer Bonestar, 72 - 08940 - Cornellá de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Casi todos los platos se pueden comer, simplemente tienes que pedirlo, ensaladas, tapas, carnes y pescado. Es una braseria. Y tienen brownie sin gluten!!
 Cal'Amagat Rustic Gastrohotel
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Calle Clota 4 - 08695 - Bagà (Barcelona)
We have an specific gluten-free menu. We can make the menu on request. You can have a look at our website.
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
San Joaquím, 1 - 08911 - Badalona (Barcelona)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
Restaurante Ca L'Ignasi
( Restaurante )
  1 Comentarios
Mayor 4 - 08569 - Cantonigròs (Barcelona)
Some dishes of the carte are suitable for coeliacs, rice with artichokes and mushrooms. Trompets salad. Chicken with prunes and pine nuts. Grilled cod
El Racó de Ca Eli
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Passatge Avi Campás, 3 - 08460 - Santa María de Palautordera (Barcelona)
They adapt the menu to the coeliac needs and most of the dishes that are gluten-free.
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Polígono Can Calderón Carretera Comarcal 245 - 08840 - Viladecans (Barcelona)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Jaime Vicens Vives, 2 - 08005 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  1 Comentarios
Centro Comercial ALCAMPO Avda. de la Playa (Esquina Cristal Moura) - 08930 - Sant Adriá del Besós (Barcelona)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Avda. Tarragona, 130. Pol. Ind Les Mercaderies - 08720 - Vilafranca del Penedés (Barcelona)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
932.210.595 - 932.212.041
Restaurante La Gavina
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Plaza Pau Vila, 1 - 08039 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
They have adapted menu for celiacs. They have gluten-free and ice-creams for celiacs. Let them know.
Almalibre Açaí
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Carrer de Girona, 118, - 08009 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Restaurante vegetariano y vegano
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
María Auxiliadora, 180 - 08912 - Badalona (Barcelona)
In these pizza restaurants we can find variety of gluten-free pizzas for the customers who ask for it. Important: Lately not all telepizzas offer gluten-free pizzas, so we advise you to talk with the establishment on request to confirm it or get into this list:
El Racó Ecologic
( Restaurante )
  1 Comentarios
Bruc, 86 - 08009 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Specialized restaurant in vegetarian cuisine, macrobiotic and Mediterran with a affordable price. They have special menu for celiacs.
622.286.183 - 932.006.545
Sasá Restobar
( Restaurante )
  1 Comentarios
Carrer d'Aribau, 318 - 08006 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Disponen de pasta sin gluten y cerveza sin gluten.
 Masía La Roca.
( Restaurante )
  3 Comentarios
Santa Fe, 2 - 08552 - Taradell (Barcelona)
All carte unless 2 kinds of desserts is suitable for celiacs.
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Ronda de Zamenhof, 1 - 08201 - Sabadell (Barcelona)
In these pizza restaurants we can find variety of gluten-free pizzas for the customers who ask for it. Important: Lately not all telepizzas offer gluten-free pizzas, so we advise you to talk with the establishment on request to confirm it or get into this list:
Quinoa Bar Vegetarià
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Travessera de Gràcia, 203 - 08012 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Bar con comida vegetariana y vegana
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Empuries, 37 - 08906 - Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)
In these pizza restaurants we can find variety of gluten-free pizzas for the customers who ask for it. Important: Lately not all telepizzas offer gluten-free pizzas, so we advise you to talk with the establishment on request to confirm it or get into this list:
  0 Comentarios
Nou, 10 - 08395 - Sant Pol de Mar (Barcelona)
It is necessary notify previously with a couple of weeks for they can provide of the necessary products to prepare gluten-free dishes.
Viena Gran Vía 2
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
C.C. Gran Vía 2 - 08908 - Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)
The Viene establishments offer a menu with more than 50 references of cold and hot sandwiches, salads, croissants and cafe. They also have a menu for celiacs with all gluten-free suitable references to eat.
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Autovía de Casteldefells, km 5 - 08820 - El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Ctra. Nac. II Cruce Rial Llarg - 08350 - Arenys de Mar (Barcelona)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Pintor Vicenç Puig, 2 - 08303 - Mataró (Barcelona)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
Ginos Moda Shopping
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
C.C. Moda Shopping Port Olimpic / Calle Marina, 16-18 - 08013 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Cadena de restaurantes donde preparan comida italiana. Disponen un menú sin gluten apto para celiacos.
Verde Amore
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Carrer de Galileu, 261 - 08028 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Comida sencilla, casera y saludable, con un gran sabor gracias a los productos de temporada, km 0 y de primera calidad
935.210.054 - 902.423.423
 Vips La Maquinista
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
C.C. La Maquinista - 08030 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Cadena de restaurantes de cocina variada. Sirven algunos platos aptos para celíacos: el sándwich VIPS Club, Salteado de pollo, BBQ Bacon Cheese Burger, desayunos... Elaborados con pan sin gluten.

También disponen de un menú infantil sin gluten y postres sin gluten.
Ginos Ronda Universitat 27
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Ronda universitat 27 - 08007 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Cadena de restaurantes donde preparan comida italiana. Disponen un menú sin gluten apto para celiacos.
Viena Castellar
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Ctra. Sabadell, 60 - 08211 - Castellar del Vallés (Barcelona)
The Viene establishments offer a menu with more than 50 references of cold and hot sandwiches, salads, croissants and cafe. They also have a menu for celiacs with all gluten-free suitable references to eat.
  0 Comentarios
Plaça de Catalunya, 39-41 - 08820 - El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Somos sensibles a las intolerancias alimentarias, somos Celíacs Catalunya y ofrecemos platos vegetarianos
Ginos C.C.Splau
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Avda. Baix Llobregat, s/n - 08940 - Cornellá de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Cadena de restaurantes donde preparan comida italiana. Disponen un menú sin gluten apto para celiacos.
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Diputación, 249 - 08007 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Monvínic dispone un espacio culinario, bajo la batuta de Sergi de Meià, Premi Nacional 2009 al Cocinero Joven del Año otorgado por la Academia Catalana de Gastronomía. Una cocina de raíces profundas, amiga del vino, y que respeta el ser de cada producto a través de platos que nos sumergen en un recetario popular auténtico. La carta de Monvínic se puede adaptar a una dieta estricta sin gluten, solo rogamos nos avisen en el momento de hacer la reserva.
  0 Comentarios
Masia El Folló s/n - 08593 - Tagamanent (Barcelona)
In this establishment the coeliac people do not have any problem, so in the kitchen of our restaurant, we have in mind the coeliac, diabetic, Muslims… The food is clean and there is always enough offers of dishes with a base of rice, pulses, vegetables, potato, etc… suitable for any person with intolerance to gluten. They do not add flour to the sauces and there are always some desserts without flours. In the classroom of kitchen we teach to make bread at home, we also can teach to make gluten-free bread, it is necessary to book on request.
  0 Comentarios
Plasa Major - 08500 - Amposta (Barcelona)
Cafeteria Restaurant menjars mediterrani de mercat i casolans
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Riera de Capaspre, 14 - 08370 - Calella de Mar (Barcelona)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
La Terrassa del Museu
( Restaurante )
  2 Comentarios
Rambla de Egara, 270 - 08221 - Terrassa (Barcelona)
The La Terrassa del Museu restaurant is located in the building of Catalonian Science and Technology Museum. They have a gluten-free menu with a variety of dishes.
Cantina Tijuana
( Restaurante )
  4 Comentarios
Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer, 61 - 08640 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Nachos, hamburgers, tacos, mojitos, natural juices, chilaquiles, chile with meat, margaritas.
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
C/ Vic, 18 - 08950 - Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Gran de Gracia, 113 - 08012 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Diputació, 172 - 08011 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
First Italian gay restaurant (gay-friendly) in Barcelona. Italian cuisine, always with top quality products based on authentic traditional recipes.
El Celler de Can Torrens
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Glóries Catalanes, 3 - 08105 - Sant Fost de Campsentelles (Barcelona)
Specialized restaurant in author cuisine and grilled meat and fish. They know the protocol to follow to treat a coeliac. Tell us when booking.
935.790.712 - 649.192.190
  0 Comentarios
Ctra. BV-1245 Km.6,1 - 08183 - Granera (Barcelona)
Medieval fortress La Manyosa,from before the XII century. It was rebuilt and ready, kind of Hotel of mountain.
Stays for host different people who need a meeting place, celebrations or night rest.
Restaurant with wooden roast with different medieval dining room. Gastronomic events, celebrations, festivities and events. Or as meeting place of your friends in the nature.
Barbeques, oven and paella pans in the garden with series of arches.

On request, food for coeliac people is offered.
Full board for guests and lunches for the public in general.
Restaurant Ca La Maria
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Veïnat San Daniel 99, - 08490 - Tordera (Barcelona)
Restaurante con opciones sin gluten.
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Pasaje Senillosa 1bis - 08034 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Ofrecemos una cocina internacional, que abarca tanto platos locales como variedad de platos de todo el mundo, una oferta gastronómica pensada también para celíacos y veganos!
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Plaza Nova, 1, Local 1, - 08221 - Terrassa (Barcelona)
Restaurante con opciones vegetarianas, veganas y sin gluten.
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Avda. Diagonal, 466 - 08006 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Ctra. Barcelona, 558 - 08204 - Sabadell (Barcelona)
In these pizza restaurants we can find variety of gluten-free pizzas for the customers who ask for it. Important: Lately not all telepizzas offer gluten-free pizzas, so we advise you to talk with the establishment on request to confirm it or get into this list:
Veggie Karma
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Passeig de L´Havana, 2, - 08030 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
100% vegetales, sin lactosa, sin colesterol y sin gluten."
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Centro Comercial Anec Blau local A-52 - 08860 - Castelldefels (Barcelona)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
14, Carrer d\'Aribau - 08011 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Restaurante vegano y vegetariano
936.390.464 - 936.390.000
Club de Begues Casino
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Alp, s/n - 08859 - Begues (Barcelona)
Disponemos de una carta variada que tiene en cuenta todos los tipos de dietas, alergias, etc.
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Pl/ Fossar de les Moreres - 08003 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Ofrecemos una cocina internacional, que abarca tanto platos locales como variedad de platos de todo el mundo, una oferta gastronómica pensada también para celíacos y veganos!
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Carrer del Taulat, 95, - 08005 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Carta vegetariana sabrosa e imaginativa, incluyendo opciones veganas y sin gluten,
Hotel Zenit Borrell
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Comte Borrell, 208 - 08029 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
They have special breakfast and menus for celiacs.
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Ctra. Nacional II Km 644 - 08349 - Cabrera de Mar (Barcelona)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
Viena Terrassa Centro
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Joan Coromines, 8-10 - 08223 - Terrassa (Barcelona)
The Viene establishments offer a menu with more than 50 references of cold and hot sandwiches, salads, croissants and cafe. They also have a menu for celiacs with all gluten-free suitable references to eat.
( Restaurante )
  2 Comentarios
Mossén Ángel Rodamilans, 208 - 08222 - Terrassa (Barcelona)
Traditional Mediterranean cuisine with vanguardist touches. It has a varied menu where we can find many suitable dishes for coeliacs, even the desserts which are homemade.
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Avda. Caresmar, 41 - 08700 - Igualada (Barcelona)
In these pizza restaurants we can find variety of gluten-free pizzas for the customers who ask for it. Important: Lately not all telepizzas offer gluten-free pizzas, so we advise you to talk with the establishment on request to confirm it or get into this list:
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Autopista a Sabadell, salida 2 - 08210 - Barberá del Vallés (Barcelona)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
  0 Comentarios
Plaza del Pla del Estany - 08820 - Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Some Tryp hotels of the chain Sol Meliá have signed an agreement of colaboration with FACE and it has menus for celiacs. As always is better notify when booking and when arriving to the hotel.
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Rambla Poblenou, 71 - 08005 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
In these pizza restaurants we can find variety of gluten-free pizzas for the customers who ask for it. Important: Lately not all telepizzas offer gluten-free pizzas, so we advise you to talk with the establishment on request to confirm it or get into this list:
El Mirallet
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Plaça de la Porxada, 39 - 08402 - Granollers (Barcelona)
Al llarg d’aquests anys, hem anat evolucionant la nostra cuina, oferint el millor de nosaltres i incorporant plats per a totes les necessitats. A la carta podreu trobar amanides, gratinats, plats de patés i formatges, les nostres clàssiques truites i remenats, carns, peixos… També tenim plats per a intolerants al gluten i a la lactosa (i cervesa apta per a celíacs), així com plats vegetarians i entrepans vegans.
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Ctra. Barcelona, 126 - 08290 - Cerdanyola del Vallés (Barcelona)
In these pizza restaurants we can find variety of gluten-free pizzas for the customers who ask for it. Important: Lately not all telepizzas offer gluten-free pizzas, so we advise you to talk with the establishment on request to confirm it or get into this list:
Pulitzer Barcelona
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Bergara 8 - 08004 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Delicious gluten-free breakfasts
Ginos Francesc Maciá
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Plaza Frances Maciá, 7 - 08029 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Cadena de restaurantes donde preparan comida italiana. Disponen un menú sin gluten apto para celiacos.
Viena Sant Roc
( Restaurante )
  1 Comentarios
Plaza Sant Roc, 24 - 08201 - Sabadell (Barcelona)
The Viene establishments offer a menu with more than 50 references of cold and hot sandwiches, salads, croissants and cafe. They also have a menu for celiacs with all gluten-free suitable references to eat.
 El Rovell de L'ou
( Restaurante )
  1 Comentarios
Carrer de la Rasa, 60 - 08221 - Terrasa (Barcelona)
El 90% de la carta es apta para celiacos o se puede adaptar. El menú cambia cada día y más del 50% del menú es apto.
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Av. Constitució, 21 - 08740 - Sant Andreu de la Barca (Barcelona)
Adaptan menús para celiacos y en la carta especifican los platos sin gluten. Disponen de postres.
935.321.691 - 601.429.317
Vic Brasería
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Carrer de Sicília, 202, - 08013 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Trabajamos con brasas carnes pescados y sobre todo verduras. Las croquetas postres todo es casero tenemos gran variedad de delicias sin gluten con los sabores, olores y texturas de nuestros productos para celiacos dulces y salados
938.244.253 - 639.668.639
Niu Nou
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Avda. Vila-Seca, 1 - 08695 - Bagà (Barcelona)
Restaurant with a varied menu where we can find gluten-free dishes and ecologic, on request, pasta, pizza, bread ...
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Passeig Marítim, 92-94 - 08870 - Sitges (Barcelona)
El arroz con pulpitos es excelente. Trato amable. Terraza con vistas al mar y puesta de sol.
 Mc Donald´s
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Plaza Europa 9-11 Bajos - 08907 - Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Chain of burger with establishments in all Spain. They have gluten-free hamburgers (with bread included) and you also can consume the standard or deluxe chips, due to the process of elaboration is always separated and there are not risk of mixed pollution.
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Bergara 4 - 08004 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Delicious gluten-free breakfasts.
931.785.718 - 628.280.663
( Restaurante )
  2 Comentarios
Carrer Progrés Cantonada, Passatge Indústrial,29 - 08397 - Pineda Del Mar (Barcelona)
Establecimiento de comida para llevar especialistas en Sushi.
Para celíacos tenemos una amplia variedad de sushi, bandejas desde 15 unidades hasta 72, salsa de soja, fideos de arroz instantáneos, cerveza sin gluten, postres sin gluten (mochis, pastelItos hechos con arroz glutinoso) galletas de arroz...
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Av. Paralelo, 139 - 08004 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
In these pizza restaurants we can find variety of gluten-free pizzas for the customers who ask for it. Important: Lately not all telepizzas offer gluten-free pizzas, so we advise you to talk with the establishment on request to confirm it or get into this list:
Santa Burg
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Vallespir 51 - 08014 - Barcelona (Barcelona)
Gourmet Restaurant Burgers of beef, pork, chicken, vegetable and fish. You can make any combination you want with gluten-free bread. All ingredients are top quality. Ox meat is our specialty, matured meat makes it more tender and juicy. We also have delicious salads, homemade desserts ...
La Taberna del Puerto
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Avenida del Port d'Aiguadolç, 24 - 08870 - Sitges (Barcelona)
Trabajan con productos altamente frescos de la zona, entre sus platos más típicos destacan los pescados elaborados al carbón, langostas, bogavantes, fideuá de pescadores y una variedad de arroces , con opciones veganas y sin gluten
( Restaurante )
  0 Comentarios
Prat de la Riba, 7 - 08191 - Rubí (Barcelona)
In these pizza restaurants we can find variety of gluten-free pizzas for the customers who ask for it. Important: Lately not all telepizzas offer gluten-free pizzas, so we advise you to talk with the establishment on request to confirm it or get into this list:
Páginas:    1   234
This distinctive identifies restaurants which have an agreement of colaboration with the provincial or national associations of celiacs and they have received training provided by the Association, to which all staff should attend: purchasing manager, chef, chefs, assistants , room managers and waiters
Note: The information we supply is indicative, we try to be as much as possible updated contrasting the data with ultimate responsibility. However, we recommend that before you go to ensure contacting the property directly,because maybe he could have made some changes in its service.
Gluten-free traveling - Gluten-free restaurants - Gluten-free hotels - Gluten-free bars, tapas and cafes
Gluten-free pastry shops - Gluten-free shops - Gluten-free cottages - Gluten-free campings - Gluten-free hostels

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